It all starts with an idea



Dream it

It all begins with an idea. This is the first sketch of the layout. Based on a central circle and paths running off North, South, East and West.


Build it

On the ground the design changed a little so that there is a path running North to South with 3 concentric circles in the centre & a single path to the West which leads to a semi circle of Munstead.


Grow it

Rosea is planted in the centre with Folgate in the outer rings, before rows of Grosso fan out down the rows in both directions to create a diamond shape which are framed in each corner by Folgate.

Preparing the ground

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Cut the turf

After the grass was cut low, Luke set about removing the turf in strips.

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Lay the mat

After the turf came the matting. Rolling out & pegging down the matts in straight evenly spaced lines.



Eighteen strips, each about 100 meters long, is almost 2 kilometres of turf to remove & then carry away.

Keep going


Take the turf away

In all there was about 4 tons of turf to remove. The mower & trailer helped a lot but it was still pretty hard work.


Lay lots more mats

Laying the matts out straight and getting them pegged down in the wind was often a frustrating experience.


Keep heaving the rolls

But in the end it was very satisfying to see the design take shape as roll after roll of matting was lain out.


The gang gets planting